RJ Calculator is a scientific calculator with lots of trigonometric, base conversion, logarithms and many other common functions.
A great thing in this calculator is that you can calculate statistics like standard deviation and regression.
Other great feature of this calculator is that when you enter some data, the calculator will display all your equations in an explicit way, making it easier to change an expression o re-calculate it with different values, avoiding re-entering the whole expression again.
Another great feature of this calculator is that you can program and store formulas here. You can use a great variety of variables to choose from the already built in formulas or create a new one. You can also use the built in editor to create a program. This editor has few things, for instance, syntax highlighting, that will help you to write the code.
Any time you need help you can access the help option by a click, here you will be explained how to use this or that with the examples of different options this great calculator provide.